The annual Northwoods Chapter of the AOMCI National Swap Meet held in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, the first weekend of August is the largest one we have ever attended; in fact, it is probably the largest in the country. Every three years it becomes an International Meet.

Northwoods members do a really fine job of organizing this meet each year. It was the 34th successful year for this event, which says a lot about those who plan it and host it. It is well attended and seems to get bigger every year. The majority are folks just like us, who stake out a spot and buy, sell and trade. Then there are the race boat enthusiasts as well as those who display boats and motors in the Arena. The meet is held at an old city-owned airstrip called Sara Park, which is right on the Wisconsin River. Good water is near at hand, unhampered by the water Gestapo! There were lots of different makes of motors and boats as well as a large selection of parts and miscellaneous items. Some of the motors were totally restored, ready to run, while some were just parts motors. Most were priced fairly. People come from all over the United States as well as from Australia, England, the Netherlands and Canada (countries we are aware of).

The Slators have attended for 14 years, the Samstags for 9. Other Texas Chapter members attending were John Graf, the Van Vrancken clan and Gene Gruender. It takes a few trips to get to know the regulars who attend, and it is always a treat to renew friendships each year. The local people are very friendly and quickly make you feel at home if given the chance.

Some local restaurants are called supper clubs and there are a variety of eating choices. Friday night is Fish Fry night, and according to local custom, most people go out for a fish dinner bringing their entire family.
The atmosphere at these is fun and festive. We consider this a vacation—not just a trip to a large swap meet. We enjoy the different scenery, cooler temperatures and all the nice friendly people we meet. Of course, Becky and Cindy have lots of fun at estate sales, garage sales, flea markets and local antique stores.
If you are thinking about going to Tomahawk, here is a bit of information to ponder. By our calculations:
- From the Slator’s house in Industry the round trip was 3000 miles, with minimal deviation.
- The Toyota Tacoma averaged 20 mpg pulling a small trailer.
- Gasoline cost about $675.
- Motels for two people averaged $70-90 per night.
- Rooms in Tomahawk were $90-100 per night (Event prices).
- Meals for two people averaged $20-25 unless eating uptown and drinking—easily $60+!
- Cost to have the pets cared for: $175-200.
- Blackmail wife purchases: unknown.
The total trip cost close to $2,000 not including purchase of any motors. Over the last dozen years the cost has just about doubled. The weather this year was superb. Good beer, good fish to eat and good friends to visit with.
If you decide to go, make sure you get there early as people begin trading and setting up on Monday, although the meet doesn’t officially begin until Wednesday. You could save money by sleeping in a tent (and some do), using a vehicle that gets better mileage and leaving your wife at home.
You gotta love it,
The Slators and the Samstags