Annual Houston Rothermel Sale/Swap Meet and Get Together
Annual Tx Chapter Antique Outboard Motor Sale and Swap Meet is held at member Louis Rothermel’s place of business. Louis opens at 9AM and closes at 6PM each day. This meet is looked forward to each year by our club and is always a lot of fun. We encourage you to bring any old outboard motors, parts, boats and related marine items that you would like to sell, swap, display and/or repair. This is a great opportunity to sell your old outboards. A test drum will also be available to run or if you need help diagnosing a problem with your outboard. Also feel free to bring along any family members and friends that may have an interest in our hobby. Some members come on Friday arriving at various times thru out the day. For lunch around noon Louis typically will order in some hamburgers.
Saturday is the heart of the meet. Coffee and donuts are provided upon arrival. An excellent customary BBQ lunch is brought in around Noon for $10 per person.
A few members come on Sunday which is mostly a work day for those wishing to take advantage of Louis’s shop which includes a lathe, parts washer, bead blaster, drill press etc. We usually have several experienced members to help with those stubborn problems.
For more information on available hotels in the area if a room is desired please call Louis at 713-783-6300.
Meet Location is at 5910 Star Lane, Houston, Tx 77057