OMC Tech Tip – Water bypass/pick-up cover flush attachment

OMC hint: Water bypass/pick-up cover flush attachment

Over time and collecting we have all ended up with some trappings associated with a purchase. One such item that came along in the bottom of a box of parts was a brass flush attachment for Big Twins and the like. You simply removed the water pick-up cover on the lower unit and mounted this plate with a hose attachment in its place. WP_20151220_07_57_08_ProIt is a factory made item and works great. I did not have the same to fit my smaller motors like an 18 and smaller so I took a salvaged pick-up cover and modified it with a hose attachment and JB welded the holes closed and I have a useful version for smaller engines. Those rubber ear muff attachments don’t always fit the older smaller motors. This eliminates the task of barrel lifting, but be careful and tie your test motor to a stationary object so you won’t pull it towards you when cranking. Not all motor tie mounts are useful and some can cause the motor to tilt or flip over, so choose your tie location carefully. We don’t often confess to these “learned it the hard way experiences.”

-John Slator