Here are a couple of video links from the recent meet at Lake Catherine in Arkansas that I took using a GoPro on my 10ft Wetback “TopKick” with a 1976 Merc 25ss. This rig GPS’s at 56.4mph. Also is a video link of my Dads(Dave Samstag) D Class 1968 Marchetti hydroplane with my 44ci Merc 58AH. This boat GPS’s 71mph..so far.
25ss Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5VqDd7VF9w
Merc 58AH Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0wVElWg8LI
Attached is a picture of the Marchetti/58AH rig since the video never shows the motor.
Doug Samstag