Hans (#42) at Port Neches in May 2014
Hans Küffner-McCauley, who with Darrell Beaulier restored the May Fly III, will work this summer at Rotax in Wels, Austria, as an engineering intern on kart motor development. He’ll run the dyno, take data, and test drive on the track. Kart driving is used in the off-season as training for tunnel boat drivers.
Hans is a beginner in the SST45 class. The connection with Rotax was made by former OMC engineer Dave Haman, who is still with BRP. Dave was project engineer at OMC for the 45SS motor. The chief engineer at Rotax in charge of motor development is also a former OMC engineer. Both Evinrude and Rotax are divisions of BRP. The connection between Hans/Joe and Dave was made by Joe’s old friend and former OMC engineer Edgar Rose, who designed the tuned exhaust systems for the Mercury Mark 20H and the 3 cyl. OMC motors.
Article contributed by Joe McCauley