By Tom Oncken

On Saturday, June 8th, Texas Chapter members were invited to participate in the seventh edition of our annual wet meet and swap meet held on the shores of Lake Houston. Our thanks is extended to John Plato for making arrangements for us to use the clubhouse facility, launch ramp, and docks at the Indian Shores Community Center once again.

As I recall, the weather was excellent for a day in June. As expected, it was very hot and muggy, but the skies were blue with light clouds. Forty-two individuals attended including Darren, Chris, and Alex Baird, Mark Betner, Randy Bowles, David Coffey, Jr., David Coffey, Sr., Adam and Susan Finn, Greg Ganz, Jeff Guidroz, Bruce Henderson, Gary Keeney, Jeff Kubosh, Bob Macaluso, Brenden Macaluso, John Martin, Joe McCauley, John and Karen McRae, Jim and Rosalynn Norbeck, Tom and Cyndi Oncken, John Platou, Dan, Misty, Matthew, and Luke Peoples, David Reyna, Steve Seale, Glenn and Lee Seureau, John and Cindy Slator, Royce Strickland, Robert Taylor, Abigail Urban-Norbeck, Thomas Urban-Norbeck, Craig Vilce, and Jeff and John Workman. What a great turnout!

Other than swapping, selling, and playing in boats, the most important part of this annual meet is the luncheon. As usual, Adam and Susan Finn prepared the makings for excellent hot dogs, Frito chili pies, and fruit for dessert. Be sure to send your personal thanks to Adam and Susan because they do such a great job of preparing for this meet each year.

That completes my report for this event. I hope that everyone decides to come back again next year. Until next time, have a great summer and try to stay out of the intense heat!