Please click on this link to see the whole gallery of photos from Louis Rothermel’s 20th Annual Swap Meet:
From the sign-in roster those members attending (who left legible entries) included:
Tom Ashe, Jerry Ball, Ed Bachman, Mark Bartlett, Darrell Beaulier, Steve Boling, Bruce Bratton, Tom Brandon, Carleton Callahan and friend Pat, Allan Carter, Chris Chase, Travis Clifton, Tony Cloud, David Coffeys (Sr and Jr), Tom Croasdale, Tim Dugan, Weldon Eklund, Adam Finn, E. J. Fournet, John Graf, Bruce Henderson, Di Johnson, Captain Gary Keeney, Dan and Wanda Kubecka, Brenden Macaluso, Robert Macaluso, Dennis McAlister, Joe McCauley and Cornelia Kuffner, Vernon McKinley, Bruce Miller, Jerry Morris, John “Meatball” Murray, Pat Nichols, Mike Oncken (with sons, Tommy 3 and Charlie 2), Tom Oncken, Scott Pearse, John Platou, Chip and Marilyn Rathbun, Rich Reich, Louis Rothermel, Clinton Russell, Dave Samstag, Mark Schmidt, Frank Simon, John Slator, ‘Scott Atwater’ Al Smith, Ed Slominski, Bob Springer, Craig Stanfield, Ron Stein, Bob and Maria Sturtevant, Grant Taylor, Bob Witt and Jeff Workman.
After some early swapping and trading on Friday afternoon, we had about a dozen folks hit the Jax Grille in Bellaire for tasty burgers and chicken fried steak.
We had wonderful cool weather – a perfect 70 degrees. Things got off to a good start on Saturday morning with Louis hosting coffee and donuts. The popularity of this event has spread as we also had a good number of non-member drop-ins. Louis, Chip and Adam handed out more than a few applications to prospective members. We were blessed with traveling guests who included sister-chapter club president Vernon McKinley of Mesa, Arizona, Bob and Maria Sturtevant of York, Maine and Mark Bartlett of Shingle Springs, California. Visitors with Joe McCauley included Bob Witt who was the Baytown Johnson dealer, as was his dad. Bob was a factory race driver in TX,and drove the Johnson Rotary along with Johnny Sanders and Tommy Posey.

Club members should take note that one of our ‘titled’ brethren Captain Gary Keeney, is in dire need of a new captain’s cap. He ran his cherished cap through the washer and a number of the threads supporting the stern section of the cap have given up the ship.
Travis Clifton, one of Louis’ business location neighbors, made some new friends among members who ventured over to Travis’ custom aluminum fabrication shop. Travis made a perfect exhaust tube for Di Johnson’s Elto Ace from some aluminum stock Louis had on hand. Travis even buffed a factory sheen on the tube to make it perfect.
Louis fired up his lathe and machined a perfect down-tube of stainless steel for Jeff Workman to fit into his tiny Neptune Mighty-Mite.
Compared to past years, there seemed like fewer items displayed on the lot in the way of buys, sells and trades. However, Scott Pearse from Galveston brought a pick-up full of motors including a rare Lockwood. John Slator and Dave Samstag set up early and were able to move some motors and accessories to new homes. John Graf brought a handful of motors and some controls. Bruce Miller and Di Johnson brought a couple of boats they attempted to peddle for really good deals to club members. Bruce’s Mickey Mouse boat was a looker and Di’s Glen-L 8’ Hydro was ready for a new owner; alas – no sales on the boats.
We had new guy Anders Pedersen, a Dane with a New Orleans wife, bring a 1957 Crosby powered by a correct year Evinrude Lark. This rig is an awesome restored hybrid with a fiberglass hull and wood planked deck and interior.
Meatball delivered the 1961 15′ Anthony Jetstar 15 (yep that’s the brand name – Anthony) three point hydro runabout to Ed Bachman for a total restoration – this boat has beautiful lines. Ed had bought this boat at the Fall LBJ meet.
Chip Rathbun, David Coffee, and Gary Keeney kept the run tank busy most of Saturday.
Tom Ashe finally elbowed his way to the run tank and tried to crank up his little Johnson. Don’t we all know that feeling, “Dang, it started up just last week at home”.
For lunch on Saturday, Louis and Tom Oncken organized the collection and hosting of a true TX BBQ feast for only a paltry 5$ per. Sliced brisket, savory sausage, beans, tater salad, coleslaw and some kind of white cake were great fare which always tastes better outside. Oh… don’t we all love the aroma of BBQ and 2 cycle motor smoke in the afternoon?
After lunch, chapter president Adam Finn gave an update on finances, recent events and activities and planned events. Adam passed thanks around to Louis Rothermel and Tom Oncken for organizing this meet. Adam recognized Joe McCauley for writing articles in the Antique Outboarder and the club leadership endorsed Joe in his run for National VP of Technical Services.
Things began to wind down a tad early on Saturday afternoon due to a light sprinkle of rain.
On Sunday, we had a dozen or so people show up to work on their motors including, Travis Clifton (Louis’ neighbor), Tom Croasdale, Tim Dugan, John Graf, Gary Keeney, Joe McCauley, Pat Nichols, Tom Oncken, Louis Rothermel , Scott-Atwater” Al Smith and Grant Taylor were in attendance. John Graf bead-blasted a pile of Mercury parts. Louis, the master machinist, guided Joe McCauley removing a salt-corroded and broken machine screw from a 1978 25 hp waterpump base. However Joe reports that he still failed to get his Mark 25 gearcase to find neutral.
Louis and Tim worked on one of Tim’s Evinrude Speeditwins and had it running perfectly. Tom Oncken consulted with Grant Taylor on his 9.5HP Evinrude and then gave his 1939 Evinrude Scout a much needed cleaning in the parts washer.

“Scott-Atwater” Al Smith needed to finish some work on a 3HP Johnson that he had brought with him to the meet. The motor was running great when he left. Tom Croasdale and Pat Nichols came by to visit. Tom had just gotten out of the hospital after a 7 month stay to rid him of a severe respiratory problem. He was still on oxygen but couldn’t stay away from the fun. We wish him the best and hope for a speedy recovery. The remaining BBQ was served for a good lunch. By 5PM, everyone had left and we had everything put up.