2015 Fall Wet Meet – Lake LBJ

2015 Fall Wet Meet in Kingsland, Texas

By Tom Oncken


Something incredible occurred during our wet meet on Lake LBJ from October 16th through October 18th . . . . . . . it did not rain!  Unlike all of our prior meets this year that have been either threatened or postponed by sloppy or cold weather, the weather at this meet was perfect.  There were sunny skies with barely a cloud appearing, high temperatures in the low to mid 80s, morning temperatures in the low 60s, light cool breezes throughout the day, and somewhat smoother water to run on.  If you did not this attend this particular meet, you really missed out.  It could not have been nicer.

From the bow of Adam's AlumiCraftAs usual, Friday was the arrival day with some members appearing early and running their boats, and others arriving later in the afternoon to sit in front of the cabins to visit with old friends.  My wife, Cyndi, decided to accompany me to this meet so she could get away from the rat race in Houston.  Our primary concern while making the trip was whether or not the forest fires in the Bastrop area would cause us delay during the drive up to the meet.  The good news was that we never saw any flames or smoke on Highway 71; however, the bad news was the traffic.  There was heavy congestion all the way from Houston to Spicewood.  Of course, we had to stop in Spicewood to enjoy the cuisine at Opie’s Bar-B-Q, one of Louis Rothermel’s favorite hangouts.  We ate in the restaurant so we could partake of the special butter beans that Opie’s provides to dine-in guests only.  We left stuffed and happy with doggie bag in hand, and then continued on our way to Kingsland.  By the time we arrived at the Longhorn Resort, several members were taking off to visit their favorite nearby Mexican restaurant.  It must have been very good because everyone returned with satisfied grins on their faces.

Chip with Captain GaryWe had a great attendance this year as 36 individuals made it to the meet including the following:  Bruce Bethke, David Coffee Jr., David and Sylvia Coffee, Adam and Susie Finn, Gary Keeney, John Kremp and son, Stan Kremp, Joe McCauley and Cornelia Kueffner, Jerry and Rocky Lindamood, Joe and Nelda Moore, Meatball Murray and Caroline Holton, Tom and Cyndi Oncken, Chip and Marilyn Rathbun, Dave and Gail Reinhartsen, Louis Rothermel, Dave Samstag, Doug Samstag, Dennis and Sharon Schmitt, Peter Schultz, John and Cindy Slator, and last but never least, “Scott-Atwater Al” and Katie Smith along with their two beautiful daughters, Addison and Abigail.

On Saturday morning, members were invited to participate in a very special breakfast provided by Cornelia Kueffner consisting of a special skillet dish of potatoes, onions, and cheese.  Marilyn Rathbun helped with some cut up fresh fruit.  Everyone who participated was very complimentary of their early morning feast.  What an unexpected treat!  Thank you, ladies.

Since October 2015 marks the actual 50th anniversary of the Antique Outboard Motor Club, Inc., we were honored to have special visitors arrive at this meet on Saturday.  Chip with Dave and Gail ReinhartsonDave Reinhartsen, Founder of AOMCI, along his wonderful wife, Gail, decided to make a return to the Texas Chapter for the first time in over 20 years.  Dave commented that the primary differences now versus then, were the very few antique outboards versus the large number of classic varieties on hand, and a somewhat lighter amount of running time for boats on the water.  He was impressed with the large turnout of ladies and other family members at the meet, as well as the great camaraderie of the members, something that our Texas chapter has been known for since its birth in 1966.

image3For the racing fans, Doug and Dave Samstag ran their Marchetti hydroplane with its 44ci Mark 58AH outboard, Dennis Schmitt ran his Marchetti hydro powered by his Evinrude 45ss race engine, and although not on a boat, David Coffee, Jr. took the opportunity to show off his Mercury Merc 25ss race motor that he acquired as a result of his participation in the 2015 Houston International Boat, Sport, and Travel Show this past January.  I was told that David was on a fact finding mission.

John "Meatball" Murray dialing it inBruce Bethke brought and ran his 1968 SoonerCraft 17’ fiberglass tri-hull powered by its original Chrysler 105HP outboard, Meatball Murray ran his beautiful wooden Yellow Jacket runabout with its Mercury Merc 850, Chip Rathbun buzzed around in his fiberglass 1958 Corson with its Johnson V-4, Jerry Lindamood ran his beautifully constructed self-made wooden Lindy Craft with its powerful Mercury 115HP, and “Scott-Atwater Al” Smith brought his fiberglass Glaspar G-3 powered by 75HP Scott.

adam_susiAs usual, aluminum boats were abundant.  Adam Finn ran his 1959 Alumacraft with its Johnson 40HP, John Kemp ran an aluminum boat powered by a low profile Evinrude 15HP, Stan Kremp scooted along the water with his Alumacraft powered by a Mercury Mark 25, Joe McCauley gave tours in his Feather Craft Vagabond with its 1960 Scott 40, and John Slator had some fun in his Lone Star boat with a 1983 Johnson 35HP outboard. Joe also brought his 10½’ Feather Craft with a 1957 18HP Johnson rigged to it. To drive from the front, he attached an unusual PVC pipe tiller extension to the motor.  I understand that the little boat played a trick on Joe and made him take a quick swim at one point.

IMG_6707Two of the less fortunate members at this meet included Peter Schultz and me.  Peter was enjoying a run in his Alumacraft boat powered by a beautiful blue Mercury Mark 30 outboard.  Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong as the Mark 30 physically blew out its spark plug.  Thank goodness for paddles, huh Peter??  I have nothing to brag about as I decided I should drive my wife’s 2004 Trailblazer for this trip because my older Suburban was having some issues and I wanted to have fun without worrying about car trouble.  Saturday morning, I volunteered to take someone to the other boat ramp to get their vehicle, but the Trailblazer would not start and I could not make it shift.  Every mechanic shop in Kingsland was closed and I was beginning to think we were staying through Monday.  Bruce Bethke came to the rescue as he discovered a shift cable clip had broken off of the transmission.  With a little rigging, he was able to tie the shifter cable back on with a pair of wire ties that allowed us to return to Houston to have the problem repaired permanently.  Thanks Bruce!  You certainly made my trip considerably better.

Getting the good stuff!As usual, we had our Texas Chapter victory dinner on Saturday evening.  Dave Reinhartsen explained that “victory dinner” was a term he initiated during the earliest meets to honor the success of those antique motors that actually ran during the meet (of course Peter and I had not been so victorious).  An excellent catered Bar-B-Q dinner was arranged by Adam and Susie Finn.  For a nominal $10 fee, the dinner included beef brisket, sausage, and turkey breast along with all of the fixings to compliment the meal.  Cindy Slator provided a fabulous cherry cobbler and Katie Smith and Dave Samstag’s wife, Becky, provided excellent cookies.  Being preoccupied with my car troubles, please forgive me ladies if I accidentally overlooked thanking anyone.  You know that we guys would be lost if not for your participation and guidance.

Al Smith's better halvesFollowing dinner, Adam Finn addressed the members and discussed a few items about new Longhorn Resort rental and reservation policies as well as the next meet to be held on Lake LBJ in Kingsland on the weekend of April 8, 9, and 10, 2016.  Afterwards, Adam thanked Doug Samstag for graciously volunteering to assume the task as our Texas Chapter webmaster.  Thanks Doug, we appreciate your assistance with the web site.  I, for one, could not handle that job.

Officer elections for the 2016-2017 term were discussed.  Adam announced that he and Chip Rathbun would be continuing as President and Secretary/Treasurer respectively in 2016 since there were no other nominations for their two positions by the due date for submissions.  Di Johnson had already given notice that he would not be seeking re-election as Vice President.  As a result of a light submission of nominations for the Vice President position, the Texas Chapter members will have to put up with me (Tom Oncken) as your Vice President beginning in 2016.  A confirmation vote will be officially held at Louis Rothermel’s Houston swap meet in November to formally elect Adam, Chip, and me as the officers for the upcoming term from 2016 through 2017.

Dave Reinhartsen and his wife were introduced to the members at the conclusion of the victory dinner.  Dave gave a brief heartfelt address.  It was good to see him back with the Texas Chapter where he belongs.  It has been too long, Dave.

Customarily, most of the boating activities are done by Sunday morning with maybe a few energetic exceptions.  After the usual handshakes, hugs, and various goodbyes, members starting making their way back home.

I would like to offer a special thanks to Dave and Gail for taking their time to come to this true 50th anniversary meet so we could share in the celebration of AOMCI with them.  Keep in mind that next year, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Texas Chapter.  The first ever wet meet was held in Dallas, Texas in August 1966, and Dave has proclaimed that meet as our chapter’s official beginning.  From my perspective, it has been one heck of a ride.



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